The Lord said:
Feed the Hungry
and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.  Isaiah 58:10
Feed the Hungry
By feeding the hungry together, and delivering it in the name of Christ’s love, we together are helping change people’s lives for the better, for the future… and for eternity!

Feed the Hungry

By feeding the hungry together, and delivering it in the name of Christ’s love, we together are helping change people’s lives for the better, for the future… and for eternity!
Want to participate

For more info contact Kendra
feedthehungryni [@]

Our Vision
Information about the ministry here. Information about the ministry here Information about the ministry here Information about the ministry here Information about the ministry here Information about the ministry here Information about the ministry here Information about the ministry here 
Want to participate

For more info contact Kendra
feedthehungryni [@]

Our Mission

Feed those who are hungry.

Emergency relief during natural disasters.

Empower the local church.

Share the hope that comes through Jesus Christ.

By feeding the hungry together, and delivering it in the name of Christ’s love, together we help change people’s lives for the better, for the future… and for eternity.

For any questions, please write us at
feedthehungryni [@]

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