We are Ken & Kendra Doutt

Our Story

We are Ken and Kendra Doutt and along with our children Kaden, Kaleb and KyAnna we serve as missionaries. Our little ones are as much a part of our ministry as we are.

We stand amazed at the love our children have for Nicaragua and the people. God has held them in His hands during our transition from the states to Costa Rica where we attended language school and then on to the country of our calling, Nicaragua.

Each of our children bring something beautiful to our ministry and we are excited that God is using them at a young age.

In 1996, as young bible college students, we met while attending North Central University in Minneapolis, MN. This is where we studied youth ministries and missions.

In 1999, we got married and served as youth pastors for 8 amazing years before becoming missionaries. We love youth ministry, as we both have a passion to see young peoples lives changed and transformed for Jesus.

However, from a very young age, both of us had a heart for missions. We always knew that in God’s perfect timing we would move full time to the mission field.

In December 2006, the Lord released us to pursue our dream of becoming full time missionaries. In April 2007, we were approved as career missionaries with the Assemblies of God World Missions.

In December 2007, we sold and packed up our belongings in the US and moved our family of five to Nicaragua, a place we now call home.
Thank you for your love, support and prayers as we travel along this journey that God has for all of us.

Since the Nicaraguan civil unrest of 2018, we have seen the ministry expand to providing food and helping to disciple over 90,000 children each day in 900+ different feeding locations throughout Nicaragua. Along with feeding and discipling, we have been able to provide pastors’ leadership conferences, church construction and recently completed another major phase on our 40-acre camp construction project, a place of refuge for kids.

Our Family

“Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” – Ecclesiastes 4:12


November 14th


May 12th


Novemeber 29th